I know this blog is for Turner Syndrome diagnosis, but I imagine that, like me, many TS women end up on the Assisted Reproduction route. So I am including my IVF journey on this blog because
a. it's good information and
b. I really need an outlet!
After 3 weeks on the birth control pills (backward sounding, yes I know), I began my series of injections this past Saturday night. Due to my AMH being so low, my RE has put me on the max dose for all of the stimulation drugs, which are in my case Lupron, Menopur, and Bravelle. Here is what all my "equipment" looks like getting ready for my injections:
Luckily, the bottom 7 vials are combined into one injection, so although it looks like a lot it was only 2 injections in my abdomen. Something I forgot about until I began my first injection for the first time... they had said "it will burn". I didn't forget after that first time. The Lupron burns slightly and causes a large rash over more than just the immediate area surrounding the injection and itched for quite awhile after. The Menopur/Bravelle combo burns more than slightly and sometimes left an irritated place. You would think it stops burning once you stop injecting, but no, it continues to burn somehow for about an hour post-injection. I don't tell you all of this to complain, but to be honest and forthright about my experience. The entire time I am dealing with the uncomfortable sides of IVF, I am reminding myself how blessed we are to even be able to have this chance.
As the days go by, I find myself a little more emotional, a lot more bloated and having to go to the restroom more frequently. Not to mention my poor tummy feels more and more sensitive. Every other day I am going in for blood work and a vaginal ultrasound (as fun as it sounds!). We are constantly praying for just the right amount of eggs and for those eggs to be healthy and TS free so that we have the best chance at a healthy baby before I run out of eggs. I am learning more and more each day how little control I have over this entire process. I have thought maybe that is what God is trying to teach me.
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