Saturday, June 23, 2012


  AMH results are in... 0.69 ng/mL.  This officially puts me in the "low fertility" range.  We knew it would be low after my lower follicle counts, but I was hoping not quite that low.  I had to do a lot of deep breathing to keep from crying throughout our 2 hour appointment Tuesday.  We completed our loan process and later Tuesday paid the $3,000+ for our medications.  Both hubby and I began our specialized prenatal vitamins on Monday and now all the others are waiting for the first day of my cycle, when I will begin the birth control pills (I know sounds backward) and call the office to get my schedule.  On Wednesday, we had our PGS (pre-implantation genetic screening) counseling appointment over the phone for them to completely explain that process.  Thursday, hubby signed for the box-o-shots and now it is just wait time.  I go back and forth from hopeful to hopeless and after re-watching Soul Surfer I keep reminding myself of when Bethany said "I don't need easy, I just need possible."

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this impossible, but with God all things are possible."

  Sometimes it is hard to see pregnant women and wonder "Will that ever be me?"  I just try to take it one slow day at a time and rely on my support system to carry me through.  I am so blessed with the family and friends that I have, but most especially with the amazing husband God has gifted me with.  Without him, I wouldn't have made it this far and I would have lost every last bit of hope.  And again I remind myself that with God all things are possible.


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