Monday, October 1, 2012

Capture Your Grief: Day 1, Sunrise

Crazy, two posts in one day!  

  As I mentioned in my prior post, Carly Marie's website has been a good source of healing for me over the past several months.  In honor of October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, Carly Marie introduced the Capture Your Grief project, which began today.  Today's subject was "Sunrise" so I diligently set my alarm for 7am and actually got up the first time it went off for once (first time ever more than likely).  I have to admit that when I first looked at the subject list, I became discouraged and overwhelmed, but then remembered the spirit behind the project is healing.  When I looked at the sunrise this morning through the trees, I realized how special it was that I was actually taking the time to just look at the beauty of the sun.  It reminded me of the beauty of the sunset during our ceremony for my baby girl on her birthday and I know she smiled down this morning, even though my picture is by far not the most beautiful I have seen posted.  I did not rush as I got ready and I was not late for my doctor's appointment.  I was able to enjoy the beauty of the morning.  For that, I am truly thankful.


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