Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Capture Your Grief: Day 9, Special Place

Day 9 of the Capture Your Grief Project is "Special Place".  Carly Marie describes this topic as "a place that you visit that brings you peace."  Although I felt a lot of peace when we celebrated Taylor's birthday at the lake, the place I feel peace most often is with my husband.  So I took the metaphorical approach :)  I took a picture of his hands holding mine because I know I can trust that my heart is safe in his care.  Whether I am dealing with my grief or having a great day, I want those hands to be holding mine.  Underneath the picture is the caption from Instagram.

"The place that brings me the most peace is in my husband's arms, his hands holding mine tightly.  Whether it's at home when I'm having a hard day and missing my baby girl, or out facing the world, he is my home and refuge.  His hands hold me, pray for me, and keep me safe and feeling loved.  These are the kindest hands I've ever known and I am so very blessed that God let me marry this amazing man."

Until tomorrow,

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